How to achieve all your Goals.

Abhilash Marichi
2 min readDec 15, 2014

If you are reading this line, then I believe you are interested in achieving all your goals and interested to know what crap guidance I am going give!

I am writing this after really achieving all my goals in 2014.

I too struggled for really really long time trying to achieve my goals but not really making any progress.

So how did I hack it?

First of all, you need to change the way you look at your goals.

In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says this amazing line.

“Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana,

Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurma Tey Sangostva karmani”


“Do your duty and be detached from its outcome,
do not be driven by the end product, enjoy the process of getting there.”

This really changed perception of goal setting in me.

So I started setting my Goals in a different way!

Everyday I set the Flow not Goal.

One of my goals.

I wanted to build a product of my own. (That’s a long dream.)

I then set a goal everyday to sit for 4 hours minimum working towards it.

If I give that 4 hours everyday including weekends I feel satisfied and I feel I am going to get the end result.

I did it for about 10 months everyday. My 4 hours slightly moved to 6 hours and I started working on my product even in office hours and finally I quit my job and started all of my waking hours building the product and thinking about making it better everyday.

By the end of year I achieved what I wanted. My product is ready and out for sale now!

So if you want to get some awesome result at the end of next year then set your goals properly. Keep this blog in mind and work accordingly.

If you concentrate too much about the end result you are going to miss the present and your anxiety increases day by day and many a times you would just quit your goal.

Always be clear what you want to get as the outcome and set everyday flow until you get it. Make changes to your flow by reviewing it without bias.

Finally to conclude, set a goal only if you enjoy the process of reaching it. Otherwise you are most likely to drop-off inbetween.

Have a great year ahead! ☺ Happy New Year! ☺



Abhilash Marichi

Data Engineer at Amazon. I write about Data, Product & Life.