Want to start a new blog? This is what Leo Babauta advised me.

Abhilash Marichi
2 min readJan 17, 2021


In one of the online webinars, I was fortunate enough that Leo Babauta Founder of zenhabits, saw my question and answered. I made notes of it and added some of my thoughts to it. I am sharing it with you here.

Leo Babauta — Founder of ZenHabits

Just Start

He said it is very important to just start without worrying too much. Just take the first step. Write something which comes to your mind. You can start typing on a notepad right now if you want to. To publish your blog there are many free platforms, to begin with like medium, WordPress, and many others. You can always choose the perfect platform, perfect style later along the way but it is important you start writing first.

Be regular

Being consistent is very important, your readers must know that you show up consistently. You should become comfortable putting out your content and try to improve it every time, so in the process, after some blog posts, you would become a better creator. You can choose to put out 1 or 2 posts a week and stick with it.

Keep the reader in your mind

Always keep the reader in mind, think of how your blog is going to add value to the reader. Try to provide value in every content you put out.

The First 6 months is your playground

This is the time where you learn a lot about blogging and also about yourself. Spend this time playing around with your interests, see with what you stick and like. Do experiments, learn a lot, and apply them in your blog posts.

I would like to thank Leo Babauta for sharing these insights with me and helping me get started on my blogging journey.

I hope this blog has helped you in some way! Share it with others if you think it adds value.



Abhilash Marichi

Data Engineer at Amazon. I write about Data, Product & Life.